Animal Welfare and Food Labelling

Dear Constituent,

Thank you for your email.

Robbie Moore MP, Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs made the following comments on animal welfare and food labelling during a debate on ‘Farming’:

‘We plan to launch a consultation on improving food labelling to tackle the unfairness created by unclear labelling and to protect farmers and consumers. The increased transparency will help shoppers make informed choices, and will back British farmers producing food to world-leading standards of taste, quality and animal welfare. The consultation will include proposals to improve and extend the current mandatory methods of production and labelling, including options for production standards, and we will explore how we can better highlight imports that do not meet our high UK animal welfare standards.’

(Hansard, vol. 746, 4 March 2024, col. 728)

Thank you again and I hope you find this helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Mel Stride MP

MP for Central Devon