Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has a very special Christmas card on display in Downing Street this year – one designed by Bow Community Primary School pupil Joseph Charlesworth, aged 9. Joseph entered an annual competition to design Central Devon MP Mel Stride’s Christmas card and won it with a picture of Larry the Cat outside No. 10 Downing Street. His fantastic drawing featured on the front of the MP’s card which Mel delivered in person after a meeting he had with the Prime Minister in No. 10.
The two runners-up in the competition, sponsored this year by Ashburton Post Office, were Ben Ruff (9) from Hatherleigh Community Primary School and Daria Viushynska (8) from Ilsington Primary School.
Mr Stride said:
“Every year the entries into the competition to design my Christmas card get better and better and Joseph’s drawing was very special. I couldn’t resist handing over my Christmas card to the Prime Minister in person. He loved the drawing and has it on display in Downing Street!”
Bow Headteacher Clare Wilmott said:
“Everyone at Bow Community Primary School is super excited and very proud of Joseph for his wonderful drawing.”
Mr Stride hopes to visit the school in the new year to award Joseph with a special prize for winning the competition. It will be the first time he has linked up with the school since a Year 5 and 6 group visited Westminster in 2018.