
EU Transition Period

Dear Constituent, 

Thank you for contacting me about the economy and your proposal to extend the transition period.

Education and Training

Mel has been one of the leading campaigners for more education funding for Devon for over a decade. Working alongside other MPs and campaigners he helped to secure significant increases in per pupil funding for schools in Devon for 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Air Quality

Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting me about air quality.

Health and Social Care

Mel cares deeply about our NHS and the principle of universal healthcare, free at the point of use, to those in need.

Business and Economy

Mel's background is in entrepreneurship - he started his own business from scratch and grew it for 20 years both in the UK and abroad before being elected to Parliament in 2010.


The need to protect our environment for future generations was one of the reasons Mel got into politics in the first place.


Central Devon is one of the most rural constituencies in England and Mel has been a strong voice for our farming industry.


Wages in Devon are below the national average but house prices here are higher than the national average. As a result, many families struggle to make their way onto the housing ladder.

Post Offices

Central Devon has the third most post offices of any constituency in England and one of Mel's top priorities as an MP has been to keep them open and, where possible, increase their opening hours to help them stay viable.